Know Their Strengths With StrengthsExplore

by Brandon McWilliams

My friend has twin daughters and she likes to say they are the most “identical-looking, fraternal twins.” They certainly look alike and for most of their lives, the twins have been called the same name by their peers - MileyZoe. Even though one is named, Miley and the other is Zoe. 

If you sit down to visit with Miley and Zoe for a minute, they’ll be sure to let you know who is who. As you can see by the graphic on the right, while they share similar DNA, they are uniquely different. 

Whether you have singletons, twins, triplets, or quads, it’s important to focus on each child’s strengths. When you know your child’s strengths you have an incredible opportunity to help them unleash their hidden potential. 

As a strengths-based coach, I love Clifton’s StrengthsExplore for kids. It provides an early glimpse of where your child’s talent might be hidden. StrengthsExplore was created for youth, ages 10 - 14, to help them (and parents) understand their natural talents. 

StrengthsExplore is the youth version of the StrengthsFinder assessment. It helps you understand how individuals naturally think, feel, and behave. This assessment gives us the ability to use a universal positive language to help identify the good things about people rather than focusing on what is wrong with them. 

This blueprint will identify your children’s talents and help you to create an environment best for them. We can begin to shine a light on the positive aspects of their personalities and in return become aware of how to use our own natural talents to be the best parents that we can be! If you are interested in learning more about the StrengthsExplore and how to take it, please email or visit for more information.


Lincoln Kids Magazine • Summer 2021


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