Join Our Jrs Club, a Free Program for Ages 7 to 11
February is National Children's Dental Health Month, an initiative all about the importance of dental care for kids. At Lincoln Orthodontics, we love raising awareness about kids’ oral health because big grins and young confident smiles start with gentle, expert care. And it’s always a good idea to identify whether or not tiny teeth are growing and developing normally.
We created our Lincoln Orthodontics Jrs to ensure our young patients are cared for properly and that we keep caregivers informed. This free, early intervention program is designed for kids ages seven and 11 years old who may not yet be ready for a full orthodontic treatment. You don’t need a referral and we often see patients whose parents just want to set their child – and their wonderful smile – up for success. Patients who don’t need any immediate treatment are still welcomed into the Lincoln Ortho Jrs with our Growth and Eruption Guidance program. This free program lets us:
• See our growth observation patients about every six to 12 months.
• Monitor the eruption patterns of the permanent teeth.
• Make sure the roots of baby teeth are being resorbed.
• Monitor the growth of both jaws.
Why See An Orthodontist From Age 7 to 11?
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children be seen for an orthodontic evaluation around age seven, a time when children have a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth. An evaluation at Lincoln Orthodontics includes a free X-ray to determine if a problem exists or if one might be developing. Dr. Willett, for example, might note poor eruption patterns in the permanent teeth. We recommend treatment only if necessary, and this early intervention can reduce the time, cost, and complexity of needs if full treatment is needed later on. Our Jrs Club can actually save you time and money down the road.
Even if no treatment is required, the growth observation program lets us get to know your kiddo’s teeth with regular visits. We’ll also notify your general or pediatric dentists of any recommendations made during your visit. If you need a little more help to decide when to see an orthodontist, reach out to us by calling (402) 489-8441. We’ve also covered a few signs to watch out for – and might help you to determine if your child needs a consultation.
Misaligned Teeth & Overcrowding
Also known as malocclusion, misalignment is one of the most common conditions requiring orthodontic treatment. This often hereditary trait occurs when there are size differences between the upper and lower jar – or between the jaw and teeth. This might lead to overcrowding or irregular bite patterns, which we’ll cover next.
Irregular Bites
Often indicated by unnatural jaw movement, there are several different types of irregular bites, including a crossbite, underbite, open bite, deep bite, and protrusive bite. The latter might be the most easily identifiable with angled teeth protruding out of the mouth. Typically, a protrusive bite also makes it uncomfortable for kids to close their mouths. The same might be true for a deep bite, which is when the lower jaw is shorter than the top jaw. This could lead to the upper teeth biting into the gums or the bottom teeth biting into the roof of the mouth. If untreated, an irregular bite can affect the jaw itself; Lincoln Orthodontics can treat all irregular bites.
Losing Baby Teeth Early or Late
Teeth that fall out late can cause overcrowding and inhibit the gums from pushing out baby teeth. Baby teeth that are missing due to accidents or decay, by comparison, might cause teeth to shift positions. An orthodontist might install a space maintainer to prevent this shift. Lincoln Orthodontics Jrs can diagnose and fix both early and late baby teeth.
Snoring & Sleep Apnea
Dr. Willett reviews more than your child’s teeth and oral cavities with our 3D X-rays. She evaluates a child’s airways for signs of sleep-related breathing disturbances (SRBD). The exam might also reveal oral signs and symptoms of SRBD. Collaborating with your child’s pediatrician, sleep physician, ENT, speech pathologist, and dentist is a unique way our team at Lincoln Orthodontics is treating your child for more than just straight teeth.
Join Our Lincoln Ortho Jrs Today
Our early intervention program is the best way to know whether or not your kiddo’s teeth and jaw are set up for success. We make it easy to schedule a free orthodontic consultation here on our website, or call (402) 489-8841 to visit Dr. Willett at Lincoln Orthodontics. We would love to meet you and get started.