Turn a New Family Page

Ali Bousquet, Read Aloud Advocate
Lincoln City Libraries

Did you know November is National Family Literacy Month? Well, let’s celebrate! As the Read Aloud Advocate at Lincoln City Libraries, my main focus is to promote reading aloud with children for 15 minutes a day, every single day, starting at birth. Science shows that reading with your child is a critical component for building early literacy skills and sets the framework for how a child’s brain will function for the rest of their life. Reading aloud is an important part of literacy but it’s not the only way to celebrate National Literacy Month. 

Here are some fun ways to make this month special: 

Create a family reading night. 

Gather up cozy blankets, dim the lights, and read together. Whether that means the grown ups read aloud, reading independently or each family member takes a turn with the book, dedicating a whole night to being together around reading will create a special memory. 

Tell family stories aloud. 

Children love to hear stories--through that listening process they’re gaining background knowledge, being introduced to new vocabulary, and learning about story structure. Is there a favorite family holiday memory? A legendary origin story for a family nickname? Tell it aloud to your children or let them take turns filling in the gaps if they’ve heard it before.

Have older siblings read to their younger ones. 

Often older kids can speed through independent reading but having to read aloud will help them slow down, focus on getting the words right, and instill confidence in them. Bonus: they’ll be bonding with one another. 

Take a walk and create a story! 

As a family, take a walk around the block and use what you see as the basis for your story. See a squirrel? Well, what might that squirrel be running around for? Make the story as you walk along.


Visit your local library!

In November, Lincoln City Libraries will have a simple, “Read Together” reading challenge. Complete the sheet and turn it in to your favorite Lincoln City Libraries location to get your own book to take home and keep!

Grab a storytime-to-go kit.

While we’re not currently doing outdoor storytimes due to the impending cold weather, we do offer storytime-to-go kits at Lincoln City Libraries. Pick a pre-selected theme or choose your own theme and get several books on a subject that interests your whole family...and then read together! 


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